DoFeed – Heavy Equipment Part – AH3225


Featuring superior chatter stability, DoFeed UER inserts (small entry angle) minimized chatter even at high cutting parameters. As a result, cycle time has been shortened to 1/8.

Industry Heavy
Component Heavy equipment part
Material ISO code P - SteelP - Steel
Work material SS400
Machine(spindle type) Vertical Machining Center Middle(#40,HSK63)
Tool family Milling
Tool category Pocketing
Product name DoFeed
TSR No. 1600M
Heavy equipment part


Tungaloy Competitor
Body EXN03R020M20.0-03L Square shoulder mill
Effective number of teeth 3 3
Cutting diameter 20 22
Insert LNMU0303UER-MJ Positive inserts with 2 cutting edges
Grade AH3225 PVD, P15

Cutting conditions

Tungaloy Competitor
Cutting speed V/c (mm/min) 182 66
Feed per tooth f/z (mm/t) 0.69 0.15
Feed speed Vf (mm/min) 6000 430
Depth of cut ap (mm) 0.7 1
Width of cut ae (mm) 20 20
Coolant External External


Cycle timeDown to 1/8