DoTwist-Ball – Slide Core – AH3135


High productivity
-Competitor’s cutter could not increase feed rate because its cutting edge was not tough enough to machine HRC40 material in higher feed rate. DoTwist-Ball could machine the workpiece without chipping in high feed rate because the cutting edge had a big corner radius and tough grade

Industry Die & Mold
Component Slide Core
Material ISO code P - SteelP - Steel
Work material NAK80
Machine(spindle type) Vertical Machining Center
Tool family Milling
Tool category Shoulder milling
Product name DoTwistBall
TSR No. 572M
Slide Core


Tungaloy Competitor
Body EXLN04M025C25.0R03 Shoulder milling cutter
Effective number of teeth 3 2
Cutting diameter 25 25
Insert LNMX0405R4-MJ 2 corner type positive insert
Number of cutting edges 4 2
Grade AH3135 PVD(P15)

Cutting conditions

Tungaloy Competitor
Cutting speed V/c (mm/min) 150 150
Feed per tooth f/z (mm/t) 0.3 0.15
Feed speed Vf (mm/min) 1719 573
Depth of cut ap (mm) 4 5
Width of cut ae (mm) 7 5
Coolant External External


Productivity3.4 times