MillQuadFeed – Changer body – Flat Top Inserts


To address defects in mill scale surface machining, the MillQuadFeed Flat Top Insert was proposed.
Its superior edge geometry enhances chipping resistance, minimizing damage and ensuring stable machining.
As a result, it achieved approximately 4.5 times the tool life compared to competitor products, significantly improving machining efficiency.

Industry shipbuilding industry
Component Plate
Material ISO code P - SteelP - Steel
Work material SACM645
Machine(spindle type) Horizontal Machining Center Large(#50,HSK100)
Tool family Milling
Tool category Face milling
Product name MillQuadFeed
TSR No. 5122M


Tungaloy Competitor
Body TXSW15J160B50.8R08 High Feed cutter
Number of teeth 8 9
Cutting diameter 160 (6.3") 160 (6.3")
Overhang (mm) 73 (2.87") 73 (2.87")
Insert SWMW1506USR Negative Insert
Number of cutting edges 4 6
Grade AH8015 PVD

Cutting conditions

Tungaloy Competitor
Cutting speed V/c (mm/min) 65 (213.2sfm) 65 (213.2sfm)
Feed per tooth f/z (mm/t) 0.67 (.0263ipt) 0.6 (.0236ipt)
Feed speed Vf (mm/min) 1,786 (70.3ipm) 1,786 (70.3ipm)
Depth of cut ap (mm) 1.0 (.039") 1.0 (.039")
Width of cut ae (mm) 123 (4.84") 123 (4.84")
Coolant Internal coolant Internal coolant


Tool life4.5 times