DoTriple-Mill – Blank for Turbine Blade – AH3135


Long tool life
- In combination with a tough coating like AH3135,DoTriple-Mill’s sharp cutting edge minimized build-up edge and 150% improved the tool life in machining difficult-to-cut materials like 10705BU.

High productivity
- Due to a weak fixture setting, the competitor’s cutter could not be used at an optimized parameter range.Thanks to the light cutting force geometry, ONGU-MJ inserts could machine with no chatter on a high density cutter.

Industry Power Generation
Component Blank for Turbine Blade
Material ISO code M - Stainless steelM - Stainless steel
Work material 10705BU
Machine(spindle type) Horizontal Machining Center Large(#50,HSK100)
Tool family Milling
Tool category Face milling
Product name DoTriple-Mill
TSR No. 540M
Blank for Turbine Blade


Tungaloy Competitor
Body TASN13J100B31.7R08 Face mill cutter
Effective number of teeth 8 7
Cutting diameter 100 100
Insert ONGU0507ANEN-MJ Octagonal type negative insert
Number of cutting edges 16 16
Grade AH3135 PVD

Cutting conditions

Tungaloy Competitor
Cutting speed V/c (mm/min) 79 79
Feed per tooth f/z (mm/t) 0.1 0.1
Feed f (mm/rev) 201.2 176
Feed speed Vf (mm/min) 2 2
Depth of cut ap (mm) 55 55
Hole depth (mm) Wet (External supply) Wet (External supply)


Productivity1.15 times

Tool life1.5 times