DoOcto – Valve Body – T1215


High productivity
- The DoOcto insert with low cutting force allows the close-pitch cutter to be used for the operation, improving productivity by 150% compared to the competitor.

Long tool life
- Due to the substrate with high wear resistance and thick Al2O3 layer, T1115 provides long tool life in high-speed cutting.

Industry Oil & Gas
Component Valve body
Material ISO code K - Cast ironK - Cast iron
Work material DIN GGG40
Machine(spindle type) Horizontal Machining Center
Tool family Milling
Tool category Face milling
Product name DoOcto
TSR No. 454M
Valve body


Tungaloy Competitor
Body TAN07R400U0150A14W Face mill cutter
Effective number of teeth 14 7
Cutting diameter 101.6 101.6
Insert ONMU0705ANPN-MJ Square type negaitve insert
Number of cutting edges 16 8
Grade AH1215 CVD

Cutting conditions

Tungaloy Competitor
Cutting speed V/c (mm/min) 305 293
Feed per tooth f/z (mm/t) 0.31 0.25
Feed speed Vf (mm/min) 4080 1606.4
Depth of cut ap (mm) 4.5 4.5
Width of cut ae (mm) 81.3 81.3
Coolant Dry Dry


Productivity2.5 times

Tool life1.5 times