DoFeed – Titanium Aero Parts – AH130


High productivity
– DoFeed could machine Titanium with high feed speed because of incredibly close pitch design. Inaddition, ML chip breaker's low cutting force prevents chattering even in high feed speed.

Long tool life
– DoFeed machined 2.5 times higher number of the parts than competitor’s tool by the end of tool life by preventing chip welding and coating peel off.This is because sharper ML chipbreaker and grade AH130.

Industry Aerospace
Component Titanium Aero Parts
Material ISO code S - Super-alloys and titaniumS - Super-alloys and titanium
Work material Ti-6Al-4V
Machine(spindle type) Horizontal Machining Center
Tool family Milling
Tool category Pocketing
Product name DoFeed
TSR No. 335M
Titanium Aero Parts


Tungaloy Competitor
Body EXN03R025M25.0-05 High feed cutter
Effective number of teeth 5 2
Cutting diameter 25 25
Insert LNMU0303ZER-ML 4 corner positive insert
Number of cutting edges 4 4
Grade AH130 PVD

Cutting conditions

Tungaloy Competitor
Cutting speed V/c (mm/min) 40 37
Feed per tooth f/z (mm/t) 0.707 1.078
Feed speed Vf (mm/min) 1800 1016
Depth of cut ap (mm) 0.8 0.8
Width of cut ae (mm) Variable Variable
Coolant Wet (water soluble) Wet (water soluble)


Productivity1.8 times

Tool life2.7 times