DoFeed- Machine Parts – AH3225


DoFeed’s Geometry offers exceptional high feed rate capability together with densely pitched pocket, thus achieving an overwhelming table feed. Due to above, productivity was improved dramatically and cycle time is less than half.

Industry Engineering
Component Machine Parts
Material ISO code K - Cast ironK - Cast iron
Work material 450-10
Machine(spindle type) Vertical Machining Center
Tool family Milling
Tool category Profiling
Product name DoFeed
TSR No. 221M
Machine Parts


Tungaloy Competitor
Body EXN03R032M32.0-06 Shoulder milling cutter
Effective number of teeth 6 2
Cutting diameter 32 32
Insert LNMU0303ZER-MJ 2 coner positive type insert
Number of cutting edges 4 2
Grade AH3225 PVD

Cutting conditions

Tungaloy Competitor
Cutting speed V/c (mm/min) 120 120
Feed per tooth f/z (mm/t) 0.7 0.03
Feed speed Vf (mm/min) 5000 72
Depth of cut ap (mm) 1.0 17
Coolant Wet Wet


Cycle time60% reduction