TungSix-Drill – Oil Pressure Part – AH9030

Improved Tool Life in Drilling of oil pressure part

Tough cutting edges: TungSix-Drill has strong cutting edges and prevents chipping even starting drill on forged surfaces.

Economical: TungSix-Drill is more economical due to 1.5 times number of cutting edges and 1.5 times longer tool life per corner. Effective: 2.3 times /insert.

Industry Heavy
Component Cylinder Barrel
Material ISO code K - Cast ironK - Cast iron
Work material 700-2
Machine(spindle type) CNC Lathe
Tool family Holemaking
Tool category Drilling
Product name TungSix-Drill
TSR No. 190D
Cylinder Barrel


Tungaloy Competitor
Body TDS350F40-3 Indexable drill
Insert WWMU09X510R-DJ Square type insert
Grade AH9030 PVD

Tool life

Tungaloy Competitor
Tool life (m/insert) 23 10

Cutting conditions

Tungaloy Competitor
Tool diameter DC (mm) 35 35
Hole depth H (mm) 80 80
Cutting speed V/c (mm/min) 78 78
Feed f (mm/rev) 0.1 0.1
Feed speed Vf (mm/min) 71 71
Coolant Water soluble(Internal) Water soluble(Internal)


Drilling length2.3 times