DrillMeister – Axel Shaft – AH725


Improved productivity
– DrillMeister provides higher cutting speed and feed rate than HSS drill (5D) due to the high rigidity of 1.5D body.

No set up time
– Thanks to the simple tool changing design, DrillMeister shortens the tool set up time / machine down time.

Industry Automotive
Component Axel Shaft
Material ISO code P - SteelP - Steel
Work material SCM435
Machine(spindle type) CNC Lathe
Tool family Holemaking
Tool category Drilling
Product name DrillMeister
TSR No. 356D
Axel Shaft


Tungaloy Competitor
Body TID160F20-1.5 HSS drill
Head DMP168
Grade AH725 HSS

Cutting conditions

Tungaloy Competitor
Tool diameter DC (mm) 16.8 16.8
Hole depth H (mm) 13 13
Cutting speed V/c (mm/min) 58 37
Feed f (mm/rev) 0.3 0.15
Feed speed Vf (mm/min) 330 105
Coolant Wet (External) Wet (External)


Productivity3 times