NS9530 – Clutch Parts – NS9530


Stable tool life
- NS9530 with “Premium Tec” provides great fracture and chipping resistance, leading to stable tool life!

Outstanding surface finish
- NS9530 achieves 1.2 times longer tool life than the competitor with its outstanding fracture resistance and excellent surface finish.

Industry Automotive
Component Clutch Parts
Material ISO code P - SteelP - Steel
Work material SAPH440
Machine(spindle type) CNC Lathe
Tool family Turning
Tool category Internal turning
Product name NS9530
TSR No. 210T
Clutch Parts


Tungaloy Competitor
Holder A16Q-SVQBR11 A16Q-SVQBR11
Insert VBMT110308-PSS VBMT110308-Finish chip breaker

Cutting conditions

Tungaloy Competitor
Cutting speed V/c (mm/min) 120 120
Feed f (mm/rev) 0.5 0.5
Coolant Water Soluble Water Soluble


Tool life1.2 times